Welcome To SimpliCatalog

Course Creation
and Maintenance

SimpliCatalog is a cutting-edge solution designed to streamline the management of your online courses. With a user-friendly interface and powerful features, it simplifies the process of creating, editing, and organizing courses, empowering organizations to offer a comprehensive and dynamic course experience.

Training Courses
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Training Centers
Using SimpliCatalog
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Cost Reduction in Cross-Platform Course Management
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Manage Your Courses from One Platform

SimpliCatalog seamlessly integrates with a wide array of systems including LMS. This compatibility ensures that you can effortlessly sync your course catalog with your chosen platform. Whether you use a popular LMS like Moodle, Canvas, or a custom-built system, our plugin will smoothly bridge the gap, enabling an efficient flow of course data between systems.

Course Listing Management

Easily create new courses with our intuitive interface. Fill in course details, upload materials, and set pricing and availability, all within a few clicks.

Categories and Tags

Add tags to courses based on relevant keywords, making it simpler for users to find courses matching their interests and needs.

Content Management

SimpliCatalog supports a wide range of file formats, making it effortless to upload and organize course materials.

Advance Search Filter

Enable learners to find courses using advanced search functionality, including keyword search, filtering by category, skills, language and sorting by date or popularity.

Why Companies Choose SimpliCatalog


Certainly! SimpliCatalog offers white-labeling options, allowing businesses to personalize the course catalog editor with their own branding and design. This means you can create, manage, and customize your course catalog without displaying SimpliCatalog’s branding, giving the impression that it’s your own proprietary software.

Using a non-code catalog editor offers several benefits, including:

Ease of Use: Non-code editors typically feature intuitive interfaces that don’t require coding knowledge, making it easy for anyone to create and manage course catalogs.

Time and Cost Savings: Without the need for coding, businesses can save time and money on hiring developers or training staff on complex coding languages.

Flexibility: Non-code editors often offer customizable templates, allowing for easy customization of course catalogs to suit specific branding and design needs.

No-code Course Catalog Editor Plug-ins work by providing businesses with a user-friendly interface to create, edit, and manage course catalogs without writing any code. This plug-in typically integrate seamlessly with website platforms or content management systems (CMS) and offer features like customizable templates, and real-time previews.

Yes, SimpliCatalog can be easily embedded into websites. Embedding typically involves installing the SimpliCatalog plugin and configuring it to match your website’s design and branding. Once embedded, you can then create and manage your course catalogs directly from your website’s admin interface.

Yes, SimpliCatalog offers integration options with various platforms, including Learning Management Systems (LMS) and other e-commerce or content management systems. Integration typically involves connecting the SimpliCatalog plugin to the desired platform using APIs or other integration methods, allowing for seamless synchronization of course catalog data across multiple platforms.

Get in Touch.

Ready to take control of your course catalog? We’ve got you covered. Let’s chat about how our solution can be tailored to fit your specific requirements.